The boats of the classic series "ΩMega" are an example of boats with a classic design and layout. These boats have stood the test of time and people. They are highly convenient and practical for use and storage.

This series is made from PVC fabric with a density of 950 g/m² and 1100 g/m². All seams are crafted using double stitching technology and are welded with hot air welding. The seating transom and flooring are made from high-quality, moisture-resistant, laminated plywood. The boats are equipped with safety valves for releasing excess pressure from the chambers.


  TP220LS(PS) TP250LS(PS) TP260LS(PS) TP280LS(PS)
Roving boats modal TP220LS(PS) modal TP250LS(PS) modal TP260LS(PS) modal TP280LS(PS)
Dimensions, cm 220 x 125 250 x 125 260 x 135 280 x 135
Balloon diameter, cm 34 34 38 38
Cocpit, cm 155 x 58 185 x 58 190 x 58 210 x 58
capacity, kg 200 220 250 300
motor power, hp 2,5* 2,5* 3,6* 3,6*


  TP210М TP270M TP300M
Motor boats modal TP210М S GS modal TP270M S GS modal TP300M S GS
Dimensions, cm 210 x 130 270 x 135 300 x 155
Balloon diameter, cm 34 38 40
Cocpit, cm 120 x 62 173 x 62 205 x 70
capacity, kg 210 270 300
motor power, hp 2,5 5 9.8


  TP300K TP330KU TP360KU TP385K TP400KU
Motor boats with keel modal TP300K PFA LS modal TP330KU PFA LS modal TP360KU ALF LS modal TP385K PFA OT modal TP400KU PFA LS
Dimensions, cm 300 x 155 330 x 160 360 x 170 385 x 181 400 x 190
Balloon diameter, cm 40 42 42 45 49
Cocpit, cm 205 x 70 228 x 76 258 x 81 274 x 91 279 x 91
capacity, kg 400 500 600 700 700
motor power, hp 9,8 12 15 25 25


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