The serial products of our company are three lines of inflatable boats and kayaks. We can also manufacture RIBs, catamarans, boats, and other PVC products according to your order. The series of inflatable boats differ from each other in terms of material, components, assembly technology, as well as price and intended use.
The boats of the "Carp" series are made using triple seam technology (link to the article) from materials of European manufacturers with a density of 1100-1200 grams per meter. These are very reliable and beautiful boats that will bring enjoyment to the buyer for many years. However, they have a relatively large weight and price.
Therefore, we have created the "ΩMega" series boats. These boats are also made using three-seam technology but have a thinner fabric and slightly simplified equipment compared to the "Carp" series boats. Nevertheless, these boats are still very reliable and beautiful. We also have the "Delta" series. These are small and sturdy boats that have a small weight and compact size for packaging. They can be easily carried and transported in a car or on a bicycle. This boat can also serve as an auxiliary for a large boat or a yacht.
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