Management this website (hereinafter – "Site") is operated by the legal entity entrepreneur Purpashang Maryam Iraj, registered in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, based on the license conditions of the location: Kyiv, Pechersky district, str. Saperne field, bldg. 121, sq. 73 Identification code: 44108262 Issuing a license to conduct economic activity in medical practice: place of activity: Kyiv, Pechersky district, st. Saperne field, bldg. 3, non-residential premises 338, by specialties: organization and management of health care, orthodontics, orthopedic dentistry, radiology, dentistry, therapeutic dentistry, surgical dentistry; by specialties of junior specialists with medical education: nursing, stomatology; Registration file dated 22.02.2021 No. 682/21/М
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. attaches great importance to the preservation of confidential information about all persons, without exception, who visited the Site, as well as those who use the services provided by the Site. DENTAL CLINIC MERIKER LLC; protects the privacy of personal data (information or a set of information about a natural person who is identified or can be identified) by creating and providing the most comfortable terms of use of the Site's services for each user.
Personal data (Personal Data) – information or a set of information about a natural person who is identified or can be identified. This includes, in particular, name, date of birth, geolocation data, means of communication, a set of other information about a person (age, gender, etc.).
Privacy Policy, Privacy Policy or Personal Data Use Policy – a digital contract with an unlimited number of users of a website, mobile application or online service. This offer obtains from the user an unquestionable permission to collect, process, store and transfer personal data. The site's privacy policy is the main document in working with personal data.
Processing of personal data - any action or set of actions, such as collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, change, renewal, use and distribution (distribution, implementation, transfer), depersonalization, destruction of personal data, including including using information (automated) systems;
Recipient - a natural or legal person to whom personal data is provided, including a third party;
A personal data controller is a natural or legal person who is authorized by the owner of personal data or by law to process this data on behalf of the owner;
The subject of personal data is a natural person whose personal data is processed;
The Client is a legal or physical person of legal capacity who has reached the age of 18, who has fully accepted all the terms of use of the Site, defined by these Regulations, through registration on the Site or in the Program and has an individual login and password, as well as a Client Account for using the services of this Site and Programs.
This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter – "Policy") sets out the procedure for the processing of personal data by LLC "DENTISTRY CLINIC MARYCARE", the types of personal data that are collected, the purposes of using such personal data, the interaction of LLC 2STOMATOLOGYCHNA MERIKER CLINIC» with third parties, security measures to protect personal data, terms of access to personal data, as well as contact information for the user regarding obtaining access, making changes, blocking or deleting his personal data and addressing any questions that may arise regarding the protection of personal data.
The owner and administrator of the personal data of the users of the Site is the legal entity entrepreneur Purpashang Maryam Iraj
When the user uses the services of the LLC "DENTAL CLINIC MERIKER" website; user data is processed, namely:
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LLC collects only those personal data (for example, your first and last name, login and access password, e-mail address, contact phone number, date of birth, gender, etc.) that knowingly and voluntarily provided by you as the subject of personal data for the purpose of using the services of the Site, which, in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, is the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data in accordance with the purpose of their processing formulated in this Policy.
In accordance with Part 1, Clause 6 of Part 2 of Art. 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" data related to your health (in particular, the fact of making an appointment with a doctor, information about your health, etc.) is processed by a medical worker of LLC "DENTAL CLINIC MERIKER" (license for conducting economic activity from the medical practice of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine; registration file dated 22.02.2021 No. 682/21/M), in compliance with the requirements of the current legislation on the preservation of medical secrecy.
When visiting the Site, all logins to the system are recorded. Other user traffic information is not processed or stored.
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. is limited to the collection of the minimum amount of information necessary exclusively to fulfill the request of the subject of personal data. In any case where optional information is requested, the user will be notified at the time such information is collected.
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. does not collect any information for the processing of which certain requirements are established by law, namely: information about racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or worldview beliefs, membership in political parties and trade unions, criminal conviction for a crime or conviction to criminal punishment, as well as data related to sexual life, biometric or genetic data (in accordance with Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data").
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. collects data on statistics of visits to the Site. The information may contain information about the connection, traffic, the user's browser, as well as about the date, time, duration of work on the Internet and being on the Site.
Processing and storage of provided personal data is carried out in data centers where the equipment that ensures the functioning of the Site services is located. The provided personal data is processed and may be stored in the Personal Data Database or a separate table of the Database Site.
The place of storage and processing of personal data is located at the address: Kyiv, st. Saperne field 3/office 338
Your personal data is used for the purpose of:
Personal data are stored for no longer than is necessary in accordance with the purpose of their processing and may be stored indefinitely, except for exceptions provided by the legislation of Ukraine.
A cookie is a text file or files containing a small amount of information, which are sent to the web browser and stored on the user's device. Such devices include a computer, mobile phone or other device with which the user visits the Site. Cookies can be permanent (they are called permanent cookies) and are stored on the computer until the user deletes them, or temporary (such cookies are called session), that is, they are stored only until the browser is closed. In addition, cookies are divided into primary (they are installed directly by the visited Site) and third-party (installed by other websites).
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. cares about its users and tries to make the stay on the Site as comfortable as possible, for this, with the help of cookies, the user's behavior and interests are analyzed. Such an analysis helps LLC "DENTAL CLINIC MERIKER" to improve the experience of interaction with the Site, to determine the most convenient interface and navigation of the Service.
According to the classification of the International Chamber of Commerce (International Chamber of Commerce), DENTAL CLINIC MERIKER LLC; uses the following categories of cookies:
Exclusively - necessary cookies - required for the user to move around the web page and when using certain services, including for access to protected pages, registration and authorization, search on the Site. Also, the user's previous actions are remembered when going to the previous page in the same session.
Operational cookies - aggregate information about how the Site is used. This data is stored on the user's device between web browser sessions. Such data include the following metrics: time spent on the Site, the most frequently visited pages, understanding which sections and services of the Site were most interesting to the user, how effective the advertising and/or marketing solution is, etc.
Information collected using operational cookies is intended for statistical and analytical purposes. Cookie data can be provided to third parties who have the permission of the web resource and exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes.
Functional cookies - used to save settings or configurations that are stored on the user's device between web browser sessions. Such data are the following metrics: user name, profile photo, information on left comments, language version of the Site, location, information on whether the user has been provided with any information or selected benefits before, as well as other parameters Site settings.
These cookies allow users to watch videos, participate in interactive activities (polls, votes) and interact with social networks. Cookies remember the information provided by the user, increasing the efficiency of interaction with the Site. Cookie data can be provided to third parties who have the permission of the web resource and exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes.
Target cookies - are used to provide content that may be of interest to the user. This data is stored on the user's device between web browser sessions. Such data are the following metrics: tracking of recommended text, graphics, audio and video material to avoid repeated display, management of targeted advertising, evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, information about the user's visits to other resources during transitions, as well as other parameters of the Site.
Cookie files of third-party services and analytics services:
For prompt delivery, better display and detailed analysis of the content on the Site, "DENTISTRY CLINIC MERIKER" LLC; uses services owned by other third-party companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Alphabet Inc., Gemius and others.
The site cannot affect the operation of cookies used by these services.
Managing cookies:
Major web browsers are configured to automatically accept cookies. To disable them, use the help function in your browser. Help can be called through the menu or using the F1 button.
To apply to LLC "DENTAL CLINIC MARYCARE" regarding the use of cookies, send an email to
If the user does not enable the use of cookies or intentionally deletes all cookies from his web browser, the user will be prompted to enable and use cookies again when visiting the Site.
Information about users obtained with the help of cookies is not sold or distributed in public access, and is also the property of LLC "DENTISTRY CLINIC MARYCARE", which belongs to the Site.
When the user uses the services, codes of other Internet resources and third parties may be present on the pages of the Site, as a result of which such Internet resources and third parties receive your data. Thus, these Internet resources can receive and process information about the fact that you have visited these pages, as well as other information transmitted by the user's browser.
Using the specified services of LLC "DENTISTRY CLINIC MARYCARE" necessary for operational analysis of visits to the Site, internal and external evaluation of the Site's attendance, depth of views, user activity. The data obtained from the specified services LLC "DENTAL CLINIC MARYCARE" does not store or process.
If, for any reason, the user does not want these services to access his personal data, he can, at his own will, log out of his account or profile, clear cookies (through his browser).
The site is not intended for minors and minor users.
"MERIKER DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. applies to parents, guardians, custodians with a call to explain to their children, wards about Internet security problems, to clarify their purpose and need for using certain services of the Site.
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. does not transfer personal data to third parties, except when such transfer is required by law, or at the request of the subject of personal data or in other cases set forth in this Policy. DENTAL CLINIC MERIKER LLC; understands that personal information is a value and integral content, including the personal non-property rights of any natural person, therefore it takes all possible measures to protect the personal information of users, voluntarily and knowingly transferred by the latter LLC "DENTAL CLINIC MERIKER" ;.
The Site may contain links to other websites (exclusively for informational purposes). If you link to other websites, this Policy does not apply to such websites. In this regard, "MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LLC recommends that you review the privacy and personal data policies of each website before submitting any personally identifiable information.
Information about the activity (traffic) on the Site of users passing through the network, or the user's e-mail is protected in accordance with the law. DENTAL CLINIC MARYCARE LLC; does not in any way or way violate the secret of "activity" user when using the latest services of the Site.
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. uses generally accepted standards of technological and operational protection of information and personal data against loss, misuse, alteration or destruction.
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. cannot guarantee absolute security against any threats that arise outside the scope of regulation of LLC "DENTISTAL CLINIC MARYCARE ".
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. ensures the application of all relevant confidentiality obligations, as well as technical and organizational security measures to prevent unauthorized or unlawful disclosure or processing of such information and data, their accidental loss, destruction or damage.
"MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. gives access to information and personal data only to authorized employees who have agreed to ensure the confidentiality of such information and the preservation of personal data in accordance with the requirements of "MARYCARE DENTAL CLINIC" LLC.
Distribution of personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data or a person authorized by him is allowed in cases specified by law and exclusively in the interests of national security, economic well-being and human rights.
The procedure for accessing personal data of third parties is determined by the terms of the user's consent given by the owner of personal data to the processing of this data, or in accordance with the requirements of the law.
The user has the right to receive any information about himself from any subject of relations related to personal data, provided that the surname, first name and patronymic, place of residence (place of stay) and details are indicated a document certifying the natural person who submits the request, except for cases established by law.
User access to personal data is free of charge.
Delaying the user's access to his personal data is not allowed.
Deferral of access to personal data of third parties is allowed if the necessary data cannot be provided within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request. At the same time, the total term for solving the issues raised in the request cannot exceed forty-five calendar days.
Notice of postponement is brought to the attention of the third party who submitted the request in writing with an explanation of the procedure for appealing such a decision.
The decision to delay or deny access to personal data can be appealed to the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights or a court.
"MERIKER DENTAL CLINIC" LTD. informs you about your rights as a subject of personal data, which are regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data", namely:
1) to know about the sources of collection, the location of their personal data, the purpose of their processing, the location or place of residence (residence) of the owner or manager of personal data or to give a corresponding order to receive this information to persons authorized by him, except for cases established by la00w;
2) receive information about the conditions for providing access to personal data, in particular information about third parties to whom his personal data is transferred;
3) to access your personal data;
4) to receive no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases provided by law, an answer on whether his personal data is being processed, as well as to receive the content of such personal data;
5) present a reasoned demand to the owner of personal data with an objection to the processing of his personal data;
6) make a reasoned demand for the change or destruction of your personal data by any owner and administrator of personal data, if these data are processed illegally or are unreliable;
7) to protect your personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision of them, as well as protection from providing information that is unreliable or dishonors honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual;
8) file complaints about the processing of your personal data to the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or to the court;
9) apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on the protection of personal data;
10) make a reservation regarding the limitation of the right to process your personal data when giving consent;
11) withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;
12) know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;
13) to protect against an automated decision that has legal consequences for him.
In order to update, access, make changes, block or delete your personal data, withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, which was given by you to LLC "DENTAL CLINIC MARYCARE"; in accordance with this Policy, or in case of any comments, wishes or claims regarding your personal data processed by LLC "DENTISTRY CLINIC MARYCARE», please contact LLC "DENTISTRY CLINIC MARYCARE" by e-mail at «» or write a letter to the address: Kyiv, str. Saperne field 3/office 338
Changes and additions may be made to this Policy from time to time and without prior notice to the user. In the case of making significant changes to this Policy, "DENTISTRY CLINIC MARYCARE" LLC; a notice will be posted on the Site and the date of entry into force of such changes will be indicated. If within the specified period you do not refuse to accept them in writing, this will mean the fact Your agreement with the relevant changes to the Policy.
We recommend regularly reviewing the Policy in order to be informed of any changes or additions to it.
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